Big-hearted Brody fundraises for defib

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Image of 11 year old boy Brody with Dr Rashford

When most 11-year-olds think about “fund raising”, it usually applies to acquiring the latest gadgets or fun things, but not for Brody.

After hearing a colleague at his Mum’s work at a Baringa not-for-profit childcare centre had suffered a heart attack, Brody has spent the last 16 months saving money through recycling, raffles and doing jobs around the house to raise funds to purchase a defibrillator for the centre.

Image of 11 year old boy Brody with Dr Rashford “When I heard about the groundsman and that the centre didn’t have defib, I looked at my school's sick bay area and we had one – which was why I decided to buy one for Mum’s work,” Brody said.
“The money I raised also paid for a cabinet for the defib – so it cost just over $2900.

“It makes me feel really good I was able to raise enough money for the defib and I’m really excited about it.

“It’s also a way for me to thank paramedics and our first responders for looking after people in our community.”

Queensland Ambulance Service’s Medical Director Dr Steve Rashford joined Brody and his mum Christine when he presented the device to the centre.

He also spent time taking them through how the device worked.

“What a very special young man Brody is to have undertaken this fundraising to ensure this life saving device is available to his community,” Steve said.

Group photo of people with Brody and Dr Rashford “It’s great to see someone so young thinking about the bigger picture – providing the tools to give someone the best chance of survival,” said Steve.

“Bystander CPR and defibrillators or AEDs are the first step in the Chain of Survival and their early use has a direct impact on saving someone’s life.

“The best thing about these devices is they tell you what to do, so anyone can use them.”

Brody’s Mum Christine said the Year 6 student was also a community volunteer and had also been nominated for the Sunshine Coast’s Young Citizen of the Year.